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Genius Is 1% Inspiration
And 99% Perspiration.
Thomas Alva Edison and,or Albert Einstein
This section of my website started out as me just deciding to put my html character code snippets on a webpage just so I could have easier access to them when I am working on my website and webpages.
I usually keep my snippets in " KeePassX ".
I use KeePassX to keep all of my passwords, software serial numbers, log in account info, and etcetera in it. It is an excellent, if not the best, open source, free, password manager. It is cross platform and comes with most of, if not all of, the Linux Versions, and you can download it for Macintosh and Windows also.
I also found that it is very handy for keeping your snippets in too. With KeePassX you can have two snippets per entry. I prefer an external snippets manager and I have tried other application before, but I find that KeePassX works best for me. I have a few plain text editors with snippets build in, but I like my snippets to be handy to use in all of my applications when I need them. I use different applications for different tasks and sometimes they overlap and my snippets won't be handy in the other application.
Even though it is not really that big of a deal to open my KeePassX snippets database to use my html character code snippets, it would be just that much easier for me to make a webpage with them on it. Obviously, whenever I am working on my website, I usually have my browser opened so that I can see how my webpages are coming out,, so just being able to click open a snippets page would be just be that much faster and easier. Also, on the webpage I can display them graphically to make them easier and quicker to find. All I have to do is triple click on the html character code number and push the copy button on my multibutton mouse, and then just paste it into my html documents. Obviously I posted it on the internet so you can do it too if you want.
While I was starting to make my snippets page I did a little reseach, (just a quick internet search), and found that there are 1,114,112 total code points (character places), of which 267,819 are assigned, and 128,172 are named characters. I found this at the " Babelstone " website. He has the whole unicode stuff worked out and a couple of free, pretty cool applications with all of the unicode numbers and stuff in them. (I think). I don't know unicode that well, but I have learned a bit more then I knew before.
So I decided that I would like to see all of the characters that are in unicode. That way I would have access to a whole lot of other characters I could use in my webpages to make them even better. So therefore, I decided to create this website so that you and I could see all of the characters and have access to use the ones we want.
When it comes to the unicode character sets, there are several numbers associated with each character. There is the decimal value, the hexadecimal value, the octal (whatever that is), the binary value, the html character code number, and maybe something else. Again, I don't know it that well, yet, but this is what I have seen on the internet so far.
For my webpages, to view all of the characters, I just put the html character codes in them. These are the only ones that I need to use and I don't know all of the other numbers anyway.
I have found though, that if you copy the actual character off of the webpage, you can use it in your plain text, or LibreOffice .odt documents. So you have many characters to choose from when you are creating your own documents, even if you don't need to use them for your html documents.
The character sets include all of the language characters and a whole lot more. So if you want to put a word in your document that is from another language, and you don't have that keyboard, you can just copy the characters from the webpage that it is on. Unicode contains all of the character sets. I don't know the ranges, in html character code numbers, for all of the character sets, but maybe, if I have some time, I will make a page for that too. I know the ASCII (American Standard Code for Information Interchange) range is from 0 to 127, but that is about it for right now.
There will be more to come for this section of my website. Hopefully it won't take me too long.
Copyright © 2016 - 2025 By Frederick Charles Jenkins Morton. All Rights Reserved.