This Website And All Of It's Contents Are Protected By The First Amendment Of The Constitution Of The United States Of America.
The Whole Is Greater Than
The Some Of It's Parts.
Regular - No modifier keys held.
Upper - Shift key held.
The html character codes are not bound to the keyboard, and unless someone programs a modifer key to do it with or something else, it doesn't exist. (I can't do it because I don't know how to write computer programming code yet, (LOL), I only know html and css for right now).
I just made this section of the page to make it easier to find the html character codes for the characters that are on the US keyboard. They are some of the main ones, mostly the punctuation, that you will use when you make your html pages and you want to use the codes instead of the actually character. In a few cases, you have to use the codes in your htmls so that the actually character won't interfere with the actually html code itself.
There are many more character codes you can use in your html pages on the other pages of this site. They can come in handy for formatting your text with extra characters.
That there is no character for "shift+space". (At least not that I know of). I just put the "Non Breaking Space" there because I use it alot and I wanted it in this section for when I am working on my html pages. I use it for my snippets and it makes it easier and faster for copy and paste. It can come in handy for many uses.
Ampersand/ And Sign
Apostrophe / Quotation Mark, Single
At Symbol
Back Slash
Bar or Pipe
Brace Open
Brace Close
Bracket Open
Bracket Close
Caret / Circumflex
Cent Sign
Dash / Minus Sign / Hypen
Dash Em
Dash En
Dollar Sign
Ellipsis, Horizontal
Equal Sign
Exclamation Point / Mark
Forward Slash
Grave Accent
Greater Than Sign
Hash Tag / Number \ Pound (Sign)
Less Than Sign
Middle Dot / Georgian Comma
Parenthesis Open
Parenthesis Close
Percent Sign
Plus Sign
Question Mark
Quotation Mark, Double
Slash (Forward Slash)
Slash (Back Slash)
Space, Non-Breaking
Tilde - Equivalency Sign
Quotation Mark, Single / Apostrophe
Quotation Mark, Single Left
Quotation Mark, Single Right
Quotation Mark, Single Low-9
Quotation Mark, Double
Quotation Mark, Double Left
Quotation Mark, Double Right
Quotation Mark, Double Low-9
Quotation Mark, Double Angle Left
Quotation Mark, Double Angle Right
Copyright Sign
Registered Trade Mark Sign
Trade Mark Sign
Acute Accent / Spacing Acute
Bar or Pipe Broken
Exclamation Mark Inverted
Hyphen Soft
Overline / Spacing Macron
Paragraph Sign / Pilcrow Sign
Question Mark Inverted
Section Sign
Spacing Cedilla
Umlaut / Spacing Diaeresis
The above set and the below set are both the same html character codes. I just decide to make them a little bigger in the lower set. I was going to replace the upper set with the bigger ones, but then decide I like the smaller ones too.
Copyright © 2016 - 2025 By Frederick Charles Jenkins Morton. All Rights Reserved.