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I Have Always Been A Very Wealthy Man,
However, Those Damn Redcoat SMARiTT People Keep Stealing All Of My Money.
(As The Government.)

Donations Page

Sitting At Computer Desk
(Stealth Monitoring And Recording inner Telecommunications Technology)
(National Security Equipment ?)

Please Consider A Donation

If you would like to make a $5 donation, you can use the button below here.

This Button Is For A
$5 Donation.
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Thank You

However, I would appreciate any amount. I wouldn't be hurt or offended at all if you thought it was worth less or couldn't afford more than a dollar or two. I would be very happy with any amount.

This Button Is For A
$4 Donation.
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Thank You
This Button Is For A
$3 Donation.
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This Button Is For A
$2 Donation.
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This Button Is For A
$1 Donation.
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Thank You

Paypal Notes;

  If you already have a Paypal account then you already know how to use the buttons. If you don't have a Paypal account you can use one of the major credit cards that are accepted by Paypal. It is safe to use your card online.

  Paypal Handles the complete transaction. When you click on a button a new page will open up. You can check the security lock in your browsers location bar to know that it is a safe transaction.

  Paypal gets .30 cents per transaction, Plus 2.9 percent.

  If you have a website and a Paypal account, you can make as many Paypal buttons as like for your website too.

I am asking for donations for myself. To help me acquire the funds and resources I need to get justice and restitution for the Redcoats stealing my mail from the United States Post Office,
for over 28 years.
Preventing me from having or earning an income and having a family, etc.
Note: I am not a registered non-profit organization and your donations are not tax deductible.

Total Amount Of Donations Received

If you would prefer to send a donation through the US Mail, or if you would like to donate more then $5,

Please go to my main

Donations Page

to get my home address or to use the Paypal button there.

Thank You For Your Consideration.

Copyright © 2010 - 2025 By Frederick Charles Jenkins Morton. All Rights Reserved.