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Invisibility is Seen
Natural Sensory Perception.

SMARiTT Flyers
Flyer 1

Sitting At Computer Desk
(Stealth Monitoring And Recording inner Telecommunications Technology.)
(National Security Equipment ?)
By; Frederick (Charles Jenkins) Morton
223 Yesler Way, Apt. 1005 - Seattle, WA 98104
They really are watching you !!
    But you already knew that. It is a common, basic,
natural instinct to be able to “feel” it when you are being
    However, when you are being watched, 24 hours a
day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year, through millions or
what could really be billions of microcameras, it can really
throw your natural sensory perception for a loop. Plus, it
is all recorded and stored in National Security Computers.
They really can listen to you think !!
    But you already know that. You can hear them in your thoughts. This is done electronically with radio waves (radio eeewaves). Not only can they monitor and listen to your thoughts and everything you think, but they can also monitor your energy (feelings and emotions). It is all electromagnetic and it is all recorded and stored forever in taxpayers computers.
Read The Book !!
SMARiTT Book Cover Thumbnail
It’s Free Online !!
? Are you one of the good people.
    Do you do it right. Did you get good grades in school. Did you go to college. Do you have
one of the good jobs. Then there is no reason why the SMARiTT people shouldn’t let you in on
SMARiTT. After all, we all just want the same things; To protect ourselves and our families from
the bad people. You should go right down to your local police station and demand that they let
you in on it, "the family way". Also, people have the right to prove their innocents with SMARiTT.
Putting innocent people in prison for crimes they didn’t commit does several things. One, it
destroys an innocent person’s life; Two, it allows the person or people who committed the
crime(s) to get away with it and helps them to become more confident and secure in their
criminal activities; Three, it prevents the victim(s) from acquiring justice and balance; and More.
Copyright © 2010 - 2012 By Frederick (Charles Jenkins) Morton.
    You have my expressed written consent to make as many copies of this flyer as you want
to, and hand them out to as many people as you would like. This would help me out a great deal
as I can’t afford to print a large amount of flyers myself. You may also download a free copy of
this flyer and my book at my website. All other rights are reserved.

Copyright © 2012 - 2025 By Frederick Charles Jenkins Morton. All Rights Reserved.