All RGBA Color Codes

★ ★ ★ ★ ★   Frederick Charles Jenkins Morton For President Of The United States Of America   ★ ★ ★ ★ ★

All RGBA Color Codes
Data Warning


If You Do Not Have Unlimited Data For Your Internet Connection You May Not Want To Use This Website.

The Reason Why…

For View 1, each page is about 14.8 megabytes.

For View 2, each page is about 11.3 megabytes.

For View 3, each page is about 11.2 megabytes.

Each View has 256 pages.


14.8 mbs
3.8 gbs
11.3 mbs
2.9 gbs
11.2 mbs
2.9 gbs
The Total For All Views Is
9.6 gigabytes

Note: The megabytes per page are approximate. On my hard disk for View 1 each page is 16.1 megabytes. However, before I upload it to my webhost server I remove all of the comments, emply lines, and spaces. That is how I prepare my web pages for upload. After I clean the pages they are 14.8 megabytes. However, when I upload them to my webhost server they seem to be a little smaller. It is usually about several hundred kilobytes. However, when you click on one of my pages, it will download to your browsers cache and it may or may not be a little bigger or a little smaller. Usually about several hundred kilobytes off one way or the other. I don't know exactly why, however, I suppose different systems and different hard disk formats may change the size a little. Or maybe it is something else. It is similarly the same for the pages in Views 2 and 3 also.

The Speed Of This Website…

The speed of this website is dependent on how fast your internet connection can download the amount of megabytes each page is.

Also, when you click on a page it will download into your browsers cache. That way when you go back to it, if it is still in the cache it will load instantly. If it is not still in the cache it will re-download the page again using up more of your internet data connection.

However, your browsers cache is revolving, which means, when you download a new page, the oldest page will be removed. If your browser cache is set to something like 200 mbs you will only be able to cache about 12 to 15 pages of the Views pages in this website.

You would have to set your browser cache to a little over 9.6 gigabytes if you wanted to cache this website for the speed of use. I do not expect anyone to do that, I am just saying.

I usually keep my browser cache low at about 200 mbs or so just so I won't use to much disk space on my computer. I also set my preferences to empty the cache when I close my browser. I usually use Firefox.

I am currently using Firefox 103. I checked the preferences and I did not see the cache setting. In the Privacy & Security tab under the Cookies and Site Data heading it says how much disk space the cache is using, but it does not seem to have the cache setting. I suppose I will have to look it up on the internet. (" ? What is that, the upgrade").

The Reason Why This Website Is So Large Is…

For View 1, each page has about 86,439 lines of code.

For View 2, each page has about 94,631 lines of code.

For View 3, each page has about 90,511 lines of code.

Each View has 256 pages.


Lines Of Code
The Total Lines Of Code For All Views Is

Note that even thought View 1 has less lines of code then the other 2 views , it still has more megabytes per page. The reason for this is because, it is not the amount of lines of code per page that create the amount of megabytes per page, it is the amount of characters per page that makes up the amount of megabytes per page. View 1 has more characters per line and obviously more characters per page then the other 2 views.

Copyright © 2021 - 2024 By Frederick Charles Jenkins Morton. All Rights Reserved.