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If You Want Something Done Right,
You Got To Do It Yourself,
If You Want Something Done Wrong,
You Got To Send Somebody Else To Do It For You.
By Frederick (Charles Jenkins) Morton
What is it that we have here;
A big fat lying unnatural queer.
A sight unseen no name to hear;
With an intimate friend, another queer.
You rule with evil, with your spouses be;
Your followers you rule, who choose not to see.
Your invisible numbers were unseen;
But now we know, what that means.
The time is here, for you to see;
No more queers, for anyone to be.
The light is upon us, for you to know;
The time is here for you to go.
Invisible you were, but not to keen;
Now we see the sight unseen.
Invisible energy you penetrate;
The soul with fear you try to take.
When conscience is strong and alive and awake;
Your underminding won't work and you'll make a mistake.
Your end is upon you as we revere;
You die a big fat worthless unnatural queer.
What is it that we have here;
A big fat lying unnatural queer.
A sight unseen no name to hear;
With an intimate friend, another queer.
You rule with evil, with your spouses be;
Your followers you rule, who choose not to see.
(Your disciples you own, who don't want to be free;
Don't even "think" about trying it with me.)
Your invisible numbers were unseen;
But now we know, what that means.
The time is here, for you to see;
No more queers, for anyone to be.
The light is upon us, for you to know;
The time is here for you to go.
Invisible you were, but not to keen;
Now we see the sight unseen.
Invisible energy you penetrate;
The soul with fear you try to take.
(The eeewaves you use are powerful and great;
But when everyone else gets it ~ it will come down to fate.)
When conscience is strong and alive and awake;
Your underminding won't work and you'll make a fatal mistake.
Your end is upon you as we revere;
You die a big fat worthless unnatural queer.
The End Is Near, The End Is Here.
Copyright © 2010 - 2025 By Frederick Charles Jenkins Morton. All Rights Reserved.