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It's Not Philosophy,
It's Truth, Understanding,
Knowledge, And Education.

Please Help Me"I Have Chlamydia"
By Frederick Charles Morton
First Public Edition

Flyer Page 2

would involve surgery (mutilating me for the rest of my life) or putting me on insulin for the rest of my
life (diabetes) or maybe something worst.

I have personally confirmed that it is Chlamydia. I have researched it extensively on the internet
and I also purchased a microscope to check it out for myself. At first I purchase a 20 dollar kids
microscope and it worked perfectly. I compared what I saw in the microscope to the pictures of it on
the internet and it was confirmed by me that it was Chlamydia. Since then I purchased a professional
grade microscope ($200 on ebay) and I have some very clear pictures of what it is.

The main reason I didn't try to go to another doctor or clinic after the first three visit to the
Harborview STD clinic is because, all doctors are centrally organized and administrated "the family
way", like lawyers "under SMARiTT". Which means, if I had went to another doctor, he or she would
have already been informed, before I even get there, by the SMARiTT people, as to how to act and,or
play me "the family way" or what have you and most likely reinforce what the first three doctors did;
and do the same thing.

(There is more about this and SMARiTT in the Free Book, so get one and read it.)

I have had Chlamydia for over eleven months now. Chlamydia is a fatal disease/infection. I
know this personally. At about 10 weeks, for me, without any antibiotics, I know I was getting close to
almost dying. Luckily I finally got some antibiotics, but it wasn't enough to cure me completely, but it
did save my life. Chlamydia is also a very bad thing. Obviously, the longer you have it the harder it is
to get rid of. (Please read the book and don't let this happen to you or someone you love or care about).

I still need access to the proper antibiotics,, too continue to treat my Chlamydia so that I can get
rid of it completely, once and for all. If anyone can help me with this please contact me at; Frederick C.
Morton, 223 Yesler Way Apt. 1005, Seattle WA. 98104. (206) 442-4460. You can also send me an
email. Just go to my website that is on this flyer and you can get my email address from there.

I am also asking for donations. I wasn't going to at first, but then I decided too anyway. The
more resources I can acquire sooner, the faster I can do more about this and other stuff. The book is
absolutely free so please ask me for one while I am handing out this flyer or download it from the
internet. But it does cost me money to print, and for flyers, and for all of the other stuff and resources
money is required for. Such as financing a law suit and resources for more research and the acquisition
of more evidence to prove this and a whole lot more. You can also read more about this on my website.

Let me cut straight through the chase. In my personal evaluation, common sense, and
experience, I have come to the assessment that "Herpes is Chlamydia". They tried to give me herpes
about 12 or 13 years ago. You can read more about this in my book. Now that I have had Chlamydia for
so long, I am almost, absolutely, completely positive that "Herpes is Chlamydia". The people who have
herpes, got herpes when the doctor "poked each one with a little needle" and tattooed them with it for
the rest of their lives. Don't let this happen to you or someone you love or care about. Please read more
about this in my book and on my website.

Thank You For Reading My Flyer

Copyright © 2009 By; Frederick Charles Morton
All Rights Reserved.

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